Av Sec Training


Years of experience

S.C AV SEC TRAINING S.R.L offers training, de servicii de pregătire, certificare, consiliere / consultanță , întocmire documente specifice și asistență în domeniul  securităţii – paza și protecția obiectivelor, bunurilor, valorilor și protecția persoanelor.

S.C. AV SEC TRAINING S.R.L. este autorizată ca Centru de Pregătire în domeniul pazei și securității obiectivelor, bunurilor, valorilor și protecția persoanelor -Divizia – II- în calitate de autoritate competentă în formarea profesională pentru  următoarele cursuri/calificări :

  • AGENT DE SECURITATE (Cod C.O.R. 5169.1.3) 

S.C. AV SEC TRAINING S.R.L. aensures the development of the skills of our participants, in a dynamic, interactive and professional climate.

Also, our company has in the activity object, through the specialized personnel, the improvement of the previously accumulated knowledge, according to art. 4 lit. b paragraph 4 of the HG no. 301/2012 updated, the employers being obliged to ensure the continuous training of the staff up to the head of turn including, within the limit of at least 20 hours per year, based on the training program established annually. 


Years of experience

General Presentation and the need for risk assessment

The necessity to carry out the risk assessment according to HG 301/2012 ART. 2 (1) In order to fulfill the obligations provided by Law no. 333/2003 regarding objective guarding, assets, values ​​and protection of persons, with the subsequent modifications and completions, hereinafter referred to as the Law, the units provided in art. 2 paragraph (1) of the Law, hereinafter referred to as units regardless of the nature of the share capital, the form of organization or association, the way of holding the goods or valuables, must adopt security measures in the forms provided by the Law, supplemented with procedural measures. (3) The adoption of the security measures provided in par. (1) is carried out in accordance with the risk analysis performed by the unit, through specialized structures or through qualified experts, who have acquired professional competences for the occupation of risk assessor for physical security.

The rate of a physical security risk assessment differs from one objective to another, depending on the following elements:

The price includes:

Note: Performing the risk analysis does not guarantee that the objective is within the acceptable range of physical security risk,
the value associated with the maximum accepted degree of risk is 60%.

Documents required for evaluation:

  1. Company registration certificate at ONRC; 
  2. Certified certificate, not older than 30 days; 
  3. The deed of ownership of the land or the lease of the space/land; 
  4. Security plan (if applicable); 
  5. Design of the technical security system (if applicable); 
  6. Blueprints of the objective: a. Situation plan (location of the objective with neighborhoods); b. Relay - objective detailed plan, with dimensions of surfaces; 
  7. Contract for providing services with the specialized security company; 
  8. Contract for prividing monitoring and intervention services;
  9. Contract for providing security systems maintenance services; 
  10. Certificate of approval and compliance of the equipment that make up the security systems: a. Burglary (alarm) system b. CCTV system (video monitoring system); c. Access control system; d. Safes - protection class e. Glazed surfaces, access and control doors, railings, locks; 
  11. The organizational chart of the company; 
  12. R.O.I./R.O.F./ security policies; 
  13. The situation of the criminal events that took place in the last year in the company; 
  14. Personal/property insurance.

Serviciile de Evaluare de Risc la Securitate Fizică sunt oferite de evaluatori de risc autorizați, sunt oferite de evaluatori de risc autorizați, înscriși în Registrul Național al Evaluatorilor înscriși în Registrul Național al Evaluatorilor de Risc la Securitate Fizică.


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